Pendleton Historic Foundation
Woodburn Plantation (C.1830) is one of two historic properties owned and interpreted by the Pendleton Historic Foundation (PHF) in Pendleton SC. PHF operates and maintains both magnificent large white homes based on donations and the tireless work of dedicated volunteers, and more than a few weddings held on the grounds every year. The organization had known for same time that antebellum home's like Woodburn were never actually painted snow white with black shutters in the 19th century but the stark financial reality meant that it was impossible to rehabilitate the entire exterior at one time without considerable financial investment PHF just could not make.
However, Fate intervened in the spring of 2020 a severe thunderstorm caused a large white oak near the main house at Woodburn to break in half and fall into the west facade of the building. The impact of the tree damaged the roof and the columns on the corner of the porch. The resulting insurance claim would cover the repairs and the cost of partially repainting the building, but this literal windfall was also an opportunity to do more. The PHF board, led by project manager Rick Owens decided to commission a paint analysis of the building that uncovered a straw body color with cream trim and chrome green shutters.
Based on these results the board chose to pair the insurance funds with a withdrawal from the endowment and take a chance that visitors (and brides) would be excited to experience Woodburn the way ,it was meant to be seen.
This project is a good example of a small preservation nonprofit taking two major setbacks (a huge tree falling on their historic building and a global pandemic) and turning them into a long-awaited opportunity to reinterpret their sight for the future.
Woodburn Plantation